My comment really doesn’t have anything to do with this practicular post, but a suggestion for a future post.
During my time in Brasil, I’ve been hearing the word “preconceito” a lot. In my dictionary it says that it means prejudice. But the way the brasilians use preconceito doesn’t make sense if you translate the word to prejudice. Do you mind explaining this word? For example, many brasilians have asked me “quais preconceitos americanos tem sobre brasileiros?”
Preconceitos based on the the context you gave means “impressions” in english. What impressions(i.e. based on stereotypes,etc.) do americans have about brazilians. Literally these impressions are “prejudices’, but we probably wouldn’t translate it as such.
Maria João Dias:
One coutry where Portuguese is perfectly spoken is …Portugal!
If the main objective of the blog is to make knownd the language, why isn’t there a single mention about Portugal, the Portuguese people and it’s traditions, etc.?
This is not about Brazil or the Brazilien but it makes sense, doesn’t it?
“Preconceitos” sounds like “preconceptions” to me
Anyway! Great post on how to say to do something again! Thank you
My comment really doesn’t have anything to do with this practicular post, but a suggestion for a future post.
During my time in Brasil, I’ve been hearing the word “preconceito” a lot. In my dictionary it says that it means prejudice. But the way the brasilians use preconceito doesn’t make sense if you translate the word to prejudice. Do you mind explaining this word? For example, many brasilians have asked me “quais preconceitos americanos tem sobre brasileiros?”
Preconceitos based on the the context you gave means “impressions” in english. What impressions(i.e. based on stereotypes,etc.) do americans have about brazilians. Literally these impressions are “prejudices’, but we probably wouldn’t translate it as such.
Maria João Dias:
One coutry where Portuguese is perfectly spoken is …Portugal!
If the main objective of the blog is to make knownd the language, why isn’t there a single mention about Portugal, the Portuguese people and it’s traditions, etc.?
This is not about Brazil or the Brazilien but it makes sense, doesn’t it?
“Preconceitos” sounds like “preconceptions” to me
Anyway! Great post on how to say to do something again! Thank you