Portuguese Language Blog

Eduardo e Mônica Posted by on Jun 12, 2011 in Music

Today is Valentine’s Day in Brazil, known as Dia dos Namorados. In celebration of the holiday, we’re going to take a look at a commercial that has gone viral online and that uses a classic love story from one of Brazil’s most famous bands, Legião Urbana.

The song, called Eduardo e Mônica, tells the story of a couple, how they met, and about their lives together.

Vivo, the telecommunications company, took the song and made it into a very creative video, using the lyrics written 25 years ago to adapt a more technologically modern take on the song:


Here’s the making of video, where some of the people involved talk about making the commercial:


Listening Comprehension:

1. What does it actually mean to “trocar telefone?”

2. What is Monica studying?

3. What did Eduardo think was weird about Monica on their second date?


1. Exchange phone numbers

2. Medicine (she’s in med school)

3. She had paint in her hair

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  1. Teka Lynn:

    A Brazilian friend of mine told me about this yesterday when we were chatting online–ah, modern telecommunications. I’ve always loved this song, and it’s a fantastic “update” that really captures the feeling of the lyrics. I smile all the way through as I watch, then the final scroll starts, and I tear up. Every time. Beautiful. (I’m 43, so 25 years ago? Yeah.)