Yesterday was International Women’s Day, and here in Brazil, it’s widely celebrated. I even got perks at work from the guys, like a paid lunch, and hugs congratulating me on my day! And then my mother and I popped open a bottle of wine to celebrate us
So here are a few classic MPB artists’ songs that talk about and honor women! I’ve written the choruses with translations below the videos.
Feliz Dia da Mulher (atrasado) para as leitoras!
Elba Ramalho – “Mulher”
Mulher.. / Que a divina natureza fez surgir / A mais linda obra prima que alguém já viu / Assim nasceu a mulher / Nas mãos de Deus…
Woman.. / Divine nature made you appear / The most beautiful piece of art that anyone has seen / This is how she was born, the woman / In the hands of God…
Mulher, ai, ai, mulher / Sempre mulher / Dê no que der / Você me abraça, me beija, me xinga…
Woman, oh, oh, woman / Always a woman / No matter what happens / You hug me, kiss me, yell at me…
Elis Regina – “Essa Mulher”
Essa menina, essa mulher, essa senhora / Em que esbarro toda hora / No espelho casual / É feita de sombra e tanta luz / De tanta lama e tanta cruz / Que acha tudo natural.
This girl, this woman, this wise woman / With whom I run into all the time / In the casual mirror / Is made of shadows and so much light / Of so much mud and so many crosses / And thinks everything is always so natural.
Caetano Veloso – “Minha Mulher”
Tudo é mesmo muito grande assim / Porque Deus quer / Minha mulher / Minha mulher / Minha mulher
Everything is really that big / Because God wills / My woman / My woman / My woman