Portuguese Language Blog

Tag Archives: brazilian memes

What is Ursal? Posted by on Aug 21, 2018

Boa noite, pessoal! Good evening, everyone! Nothing better to understand a country’s estado atual (current state) than the memes it has been producing. The truth is that, other than having a comic effect, some memes also tend to work as a radar for assuntos do momento (present issues). Brazil’s latest meme is related to something…

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Brazilian Carnaval costumes Posted by on Mar 4, 2017

Fantasias do carnaval brasileiro Carnaval is unfortunately over! But the boas notícias (good news) is there’s still plenty to talk about the most popular party in the country. Brazilian people are known for their alegria (joy) and bom humor (sense of humor). During carnaval, people take the opportunity to wear fantasias (costumes), put on glitter…

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