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Tag Archives: brazilian politics

5 facts about the Brazilian military regime Posted by on Apr 30, 2019

It is no surprise that Jair Bolsonaro, the current president of Brazil, came to poder (power) fomenting many controversies that have been increasing in his first months of governo (government). Be it his declarations about the Nazi government being de esquerda (leftist) right during visit to the Holocaust Museum in Israel, or his attitudes seen…

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Who is Olavo de Carvalho? Posted by on Apr 13, 2019

In the year 2018, shortly after the presidential election victory, the current Brazilian chefe de estado (Head of State) Jair Bolsonaro made his first discurso (speech) through a video posted on his social networks. On his desk you could see four books that supported his ideas during the campaign. The Brazilian constitution, Winston Churchill’s wartime…

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Fernando Haddad’s defeat speech Posted by on Nov 16, 2018

[O discurso de derrota de Fernando Haddad] Olá, gente. Hi, everyone. As we were discussing last month, Brazi1’s 38th president was selected and 55% of voters opted for the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro. His victory speech was featured on our previous post, so now it is time for us to read what the defeated candidate…

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Jair Bolsonaro’s victory speech Posted by on Oct 31, 2018

[O discurso de vitória de Jair Bolsonaro] Olá a todos. Hello to all. After a period of tumultuous elections, Brazil has finally chosen its 38th president, the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro. After defeating his opponent Fernando Haddad on the polls on Sunday, Bolsonaro read a speech that set the tone for his next fours years…

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The stabbing of the presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro Posted by on Sep 27, 2018

Boa tarde, caros leitores. Good afternoon, dear readers. The upcoming presidential election in outubro (October) seem to have pushed tensions to the limit of chaos in Brazil. Although gruesome, attempting to eliminate your political opponents through the use of violence is by no means unprecedented. The United States, for instance, grapples with the baffling number…

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What is Ursal? Posted by on Aug 21, 2018

Boa noite, pessoal! Good evening, everyone! Nothing better to understand a country’s estado atual (current state) than the memes it has been producing. The truth is that, other than having a comic effect, some memes also tend to work as a radar for assuntos do momento (present issues). Brazil’s latest meme is related to something…

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[2017 Retrospective] – Part II Posted by on Jan 11, 2018

Olá, queridos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Here is part two of our 2017 retrospectiva. Estou prontos? Are you ready? So brace yourselves for some more! Cenário político brasileiro | Brazilian political scene It is hard to pick among the many scandals envolving Brazilians politicians that transpired in Brazil this year. From a mysterious plane crash…

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