Portuguese Language Blog

Tag Archives: jair bolsonaro

Who will sign Chico Buarque’s literary prize? Posted by on Oct 31, 2019

Brazil is just one of many countries that has Portuguese as its lingua materna (native language). In addition to Portugal, several other African and even Asian countries speak variations of the language, which, due to its regional and continental diversity, comprises a wide range of sotaques (accents), palavras (words) and expressões (idioms). To unite these…

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What do Brazilians celebrate on September 7th? Posted by on Sep 9, 2019

desfile de sete de setembro

Ei, gente! Hey, guys! This sete de setembro (September 7), Brazil completed 197 anos (years) of our declaration of independence. The date is symbolic for the nation as it concerns the separation from Portugal, for which the best known image is that of Dom Pedro I, heir to the Portuguese empire, on the banks of…

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The Amazon is burning Posted by on Aug 31, 2019

fogo, queimadas

Boa noite, leitores. Good evening, readers. In recent weeks, Brazil has been catching the eyes of the international media, but unfortunately for no praiseworthy reasons this time. Quite the contrary, Brazil made headlines for its neglect of the meio-ambiente (environment) that resulted in the incêndio criminoso (criminal fire) of the Amazon rainforest, the largest of…

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The metaphors of our Minister Posted by on Jun 11, 2019

Bom dia, queridos leitores! Como têm passado? Good morning, dear readers! How have you been lately?  Metaphors are a figure of speech that create new significados (meanings) through comparisons and analogies. They funcionam (work) very well in the literature, in poetry and in the arts when you want to express something. But do they work…

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5 facts about the Brazilian military regime Posted by on Apr 30, 2019

It is no surprise that Jair Bolsonaro, the current president of Brazil, came to poder (power) fomenting many controversies that have been increasing in his first months of governo (government). Be it his declarations about the Nazi government being de esquerda (leftist) right during visit to the Holocaust Museum in Israel, or his attitudes seen…

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