Tag Archives: renting apartament portuguese
Renting a place in Portuguese – Part II Posted by carol on Jul 30, 2021

Olá, pessoal! Hey, guys! Last week we spoke about a topic that affects the majority of people who spend an extended period of time abroad: alugar um imóvel (renting a place). Since this is an extensive topic, we went over os primeiros passos (the first steps) and now we’re moving on to more specific details…
Renting a place in Portuguese Posted by carol on Jul 22, 2021

Boa tarde, caros leitores! Good afternoon, dear readers! If you are currently living or plan on moving to a Portuguese-speaking country, chances are you had to learn a few things about how it works to alugar um imóvel (rent a property). I have lived in several places abroad and I know how stressful it can…