Tag Archives: verb tenses
[Portuguese verb tenses] – The future with the verb ‘ir’ Posted by carol on Jan 15, 2018

Boa tarde, leitores! Good afternood, readers! Como estão? How are you? It is janeiro (january), which means most of us are still hopeful and excited about our resoluções de ano novo (New Year’s resolution). Whether you plan it is to lose weight, work less, travel more or study more Portuguese, all of these decisions involve…
To have done Posted by Rachel on Nov 13, 2009
In English, we frequently use the present perfect tense to describe some sort of experience that we had in the past. In Portuguese, this tense is used very infrequently, and instead, the past simple tense is used with já (already). Let’s take a look at some examples. Have you gone to Disney World? Você já…
Portuguese Verb Tenses Posted by Rachel on Jun 4, 2009
For today’s interactive feature, we’re going to talk about the different verb tenses. The question is: which is the most difficult Portuguese verb tense for you? There are a few verb tenses that I find tricky, like the future subjunctive tense (for, estiver, etc), since when I’m speaking, I sometimes confuse the eles/elas conjugation with…