«Это вы всё-таки ждали…»: Answers to the Russian Poetry Quiz! Posted by josefina on Mar 7, 2010 in Culture, language
Remember the post here on March 2nd – «Вот неожиданно»: Russian Poetry Quiz! – which disappeared for a while (but now it is back up on the blog, which the working link is living proof of). If you missed it the first time, feel free to have a look at it before reading the correct answers! «Надо совесть иметь всё-таки» [one must have a conscience after all]! But if you read it the first time and couldn’t guess any of the Russian poets, let alone figure out which lines from their poetry that had been so «бессовестно» [conscienceless, unconscionable, unscrupulous; unabashed, unashamed; Machiavellian] stolen and used by me, then of course – feel free to enjoy only an already solved quiz! Actually, we received many correct answers from the fans of our Russian club on Facebook (have you joined us there yet? well, you should! it’s fun!) – the easiest quotes to figure out turned out to be from Alexandr Pushkin (no surprise there), Mikhail Lermontov (after all, he’s quoted four times), Afanasy Fet, Osip Mandel’shtam and Marina Tsetaeva. However, no one could guess where in all of this were hidden the words of Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak and Varlam Shalamov. Well, as for Varlam Shalamov I’m not the least surprised – he is mostly known as a writer of prose both in Russia as well outside of it, even though he might have been (in my strictly personal opinion) more gifted as a poet. The correct answers come after the picture, so you have «терпение» [patience] and wait for it… And when it says «Джозефина» [Josefina] after some of the lines this means that I am the writer behind them, and not a famous, actually qualified Russian poet.
For some strange reason I really like this ad for Russian Elle currently on display everywhere in Russia. Perhaps because there’s so much truth in what’s written on these posters: «Пусть всегда будет мини!» [Let there always be a mini(skirt)!] and «Лишний вес – забота дизайнеров!» [Excess weight – the designers’ concern!].
«А это вы можете описать?»
1. Я слово позабыла,
что хотела сказать… [Осип Мандельштам: «Я слово позабыл…»]
2. Всё изменилось ничего не изменило, [Джозефина]
3. и некому руку подать… [Михаил Лермонтов: «И скучно, и грустно»]
4. А счастье было так близко? [Александр Пушкин: «Евгении Онегин»]
5. Мы поклоняемся низко – [Джозефина]
6. и скучно, и грустно, [Михаил Лермонтов: «И скучно, и грустно»]
7. свечка у окна горит тускло. [аллюзия к роману Бориса Пастернака «Доктор Живаго»]
8. Жизнь прожить – не поле перейти. [Борис Пастернак: «Гамлет»]
9. А годы проходят – все лучшие годы! [Михаил Лермонтов: «И скучно, и грустно»]
10. Сквозь призму слов, чрез невзгоды,
не ходить мы учимся, а как идти. [Джозефина]
11. Любовь ещё быть может, в душе моей [Александр Пушкин: «Я вас любил…»]
не угасла она совсем, 12. как в руке твоей, [Джозефина]
13. выхожу я одна на дорогу, [Михаил Лермонтов: «Выхожу один я на дорогу…»]
14. но нет предела этому порогу. [Джозефина]
15. Мне нравится, что я больна не вами, [Марина Цветаева: «Мне нравится, что вы больны не мной…»]
16. что мысль можно спрятать за словами, [Джозефина]
и ночью 17. шёпот, робкое дыхание [Афанасий Фет: «Шёпот, робкое дыхание…»]
18. ждём и вдруг – 19. заря, заря сияния! [Джозефина] / [Афанасий Фет«Шёпот, робкое дыхание…»]
20. Лучше не кончить – лучше начать,
всё, что дано и далось мне [Джозефина]
21. в любой люблю стране – [Варлам Шаламов: «Я забыл погоду детства…»]
22. а это вы можете описать? [Анна Ахматова: «Реквием»]
“But can you describe this?”
I do not feel the word,
that I wanted to say [Mandelstam],
everything changed changed nothing, [Josefina]
and there’s no one to give a hand… [Lermontov]
But happiness was so close? [Pushkin]
We bow our heads low – [Josefina]
and it is boring, and it is sad, [Lermontov]
the candle by the window burns dimly. [Pasternak/Josefina]
To live out life – is not a walk across a field. [Pasternak]
But the years pass – the very best years! [Lermontov]
Through the prism of words, through misery, [Josefina]
it is not to go we learn, but to walk. [Josefina]
Love may still be, in my soul [Pushkin]
it has not faded yet, like in your hand, [Pushkin/Josefina]
I step out alone on the road, [Lermontov]
but this threshold has not limit. [Josefina]
I like that I’m not aching with you, [Tsetaeva]
that thought can be hidden behind words, [Josefina]
and at night whisper, timid breathing [Josefina/Fet]
we wait and suddenly – the glow of dawn, dawn! [Josefina/Fet]
Better not to finish – better to begin, [Josefina]
all that I have and all I get [Josefina]
in any country I love – [Shalamov]
but can you describe this? [Akhmatova]

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Ужас! Я написала “Сергей Пушкин” – а имела в виду, конечно же, “Александр Пушкин”!!! This is terrible! I’ll correct it right now, but still… I might loose my license to teach Russian literature after this! Aaaaa!
Thank you for a very entertaining quiz. I would’ve never guessed V. Shalamov and forgot all about Fet. I better brush up on my Russian literary classics.