Archive for December, 2010
Who Will Be The Next Russian President? Posted by Natalie on Dec 13, 2010

The current president of Russia is «Дмитрий Медведев» [Dmitry Medvedev], but many question whether he or «Владимир Путин» [Vladimir Putin] holds true power. One of the favorite activities of a «кремленолог» [Kremlinologist] is speculating about who will be the next president of Russia. Russia has had «три президента» [three presidents]: «Борис Николаевич Ельцин» [Boris Nikolayevich…
“Журавли”: Cranes Posted by yelena on Dec 11, 2010
Do you remember David, our guest blogger who wrote about letters of the Russian alphabet and also about why we say “двести“? Not surprisingly given his interest in Russian language he is also a member of a Russian “кружок” [club, lit: small circle]. At one of their recent meetings the club members discussed one of the most beautiful…
Make Every Single Word Count Posted by yelena on Dec 9, 2010

My aunt is visiting from Russia «через пару недель» [in just a couple of weeks] and I’m seriously contemplating asking her to bring me a pair of «валенки», the traditional Russian felt boots. «Зима!» [It’s winter!] «Подмораживает» [It’s getting frosty]. One of the beautiful things about Russian language is that you can build a…
Kiev, Beautiful Kiev Posted by Natalie on Dec 8, 2010

In case you haven’t noticed, «дорогие друзья» [dear friends], «я люблю путешествовать» [I love to travel]. «К сожалению» [Unfortunately], traveling can be quite expensive (which is why I’m not eager to buy my plane ticket back to England in January). But never mind that: let’s talk «о Киеве» [about Kiev], one of my favorite…
“Котлета” – It is What Hamburger Always Wanted to Be Posted by yelena on Dec 2, 2010

Do you love Russian language? Of course or else why would you be reading this blog, right? Do you also love «готовить еду» [to cook] or «читать о еде» [to read about food]? Then «я настоятельно рекоммендую» [I strongly recommend] to immediately get a copy of a wonderful book called «Книга о вкусной и здоровой…
Russian Proverbs and Sayings Posted by Natalie on Dec 1, 2010

«Дорогие читатели!» [Dear readers!] Today we are going to talk about «русские пословицы и поговорки» [Russian proverbs and sayings]. Every language has its peculiar turns of the phrase and we cannot hope to know them all–there are many sayings in English that I have never heard–but Russian in particular seems to have some very true…