Archive for November, 2011
How to Say Thank You in Russian Posted by yelena on Nov 24, 2011
This old song is called “I am Grateful to You”. It is interesting how the more formal way of saying “thank you” is combined with the solemn music. Today is «День Благодарения» [Thanksgiving Day] in the US. «Вы празднуете?» [Are you celebrating?] Once «индейка съедена» [the turkey is eaten], «гости разъехались» [the guests left], and…
Cook This Russian Dish Tonight Posted by yelena on Nov 23, 2011

If you ever want to read a passionate account of «русская кухня» [Russian cuisine] minus the recipes, I highly recommend «Русская кухня в изгнании» [Russian Cuisine in Exile] by «Пётр Вайль и Александр Генис» [Pyotr Vail and Alexander Genis]. This is not a cookbook, but rather a collection of essays «в жанре лирической культурологии» [in…
Let’s Learn the Learning Verbs Posted by Natalie on Nov 22, 2011

Well, I think it’s finally autumn. For a while, the weather was quite warm, but recently, whenever I walk outside, «мне холодно» [I am cold]. This means I have to wear my «пальто, сапоги, и шапка» [coat, boots, and hat]. And I try not to forget «перчатки» [gloves] either! In the photo: birches near Novosibirsk…
Traffic, Road Rage and Other Useful Driving Words Posted by yelena on Nov 21, 2011

Stuck in traffic on I-95 a couple of days ago, I thought of a post full of Russian words that can be used «по будням и праздникам» [workdays and holidays]. First, I have a confession to make – as «водитель» [a driver], I am in the category that subscribes to the philosophy of «тише едешь…
This Russian Grammar Round-Up Will Make Your Head Spin Posted by yelena on Nov 15, 2011

If you are looking for entertaining and helpful takes on some of the stickier problems of Russian grammar, then this post is for you. NOTE: not all the posts mentioned below were written by me. In fact, I wrote just a tiny portion of them. So if you leave comments on those posts (with links…
Russian Holidays: День народного единства Posted by Natalie on Nov 9, 2011

A funny experience happened in my Russian class today, «дорогие друзья» [dear friends]. We are reading «Дама с собачкой» [The Lady with the Lapdog]. My professor said of the main character, «Гуров» [Gurov], «Он верен своей жене?» [Is he faithful to his wife?] I smiled and gave a resounding «Да, конечно» [yes, of course]…
Playing Surgery Posted by yelena on Nov 8, 2011

A couple of days ago I went on a tour of «операционные залы» [surgery rooms] at a local hospital. It was absolutely fascinating, mostly because I remember nothing of my own first-hand experience of being «на операционном столе» [on an operating table] when I had a surgery. Which, I guess, is really a good thing…