Archive for April, 2014
Ten Most Common Russian Abbreviations Posted by Jenya on Apr 30, 2014
Abbreviations are common in any language. Only a few short years ago instant messaging introduced a ton of new abbreviations that a lot of us are still trying to learn. On the other hand, there are examples that have been around for years. The Russian language is no exception. Any native speaker of Russian…
Five Mistakes Native Speakers Make in Russian Posted by Maria on Apr 28, 2014
I hope my last post about frequently made mistakes did not scare anyone from learning Russian. Not only are mistakes a natural part of the learning process, but native speakers make them, too! In fact there are several points of the Russian language that native speakers struggle with so much that they can’t always tell…
Six Words You May Be Saying Wrong In Russian Posted by Maria on Apr 24, 2014
Russian did not contribute nearly as many loanwords to English as French or Spanish did. However, a few of these words of Russian origin are floating around in English. Naturally, many of them changed their meaning or pronunciation comparing to Russian. Here are a few words you should pay attention to when speaking Russian to…
First Time in Russia: an American Perspective (Part 2) Posted by Jenya on Apr 22, 2014
Hello everyone! Here is the second part to the story we started last week (you can find part 1 here). Our first full day in Mogilev saw us getting my visa stamped, grocery shopping, and walking around town. Downtown Mogilev was a very beautiful city and the cloudy weather did not spoil it. The city was…
Guide to Russians’ Beach Vacations Posted by Maria on Apr 21, 2014
Vacation has been covered on this blog more than once, but this subject — and activity — is something I’m ready to revisit at least once a year. First, a post from a couple years ago given a nice overview of the general vacation vocabulary. In this post, I would like to concentrate on what…
Russian Easter. Can You Say “Христос Воскрес”? Posted by Jenya on Apr 16, 2014
This year Пасха (Easter) in Russia and Easter here in US coincidentally fall on the same day, so I decided to give you an overview of what Easter is like in Russia. First of all, forget the bunny; there is no Easter bunny in Russia. Also, forget the whole Easter basket for kids: Easter in…
First Time in Russia: an American Perspective (Part 1) Posted by Jenya on Apr 15, 2014
The other day, my husband and I were engaged in a conversation about his perception of Russia. This post became a natural extension of that discussion. What follows is my husband’s account of our first trip to my homeland together. In order to adequately describe the adventure, the story will be told in two parts…