Russian Language Blog

Archive for November, 2017

3 Quirks of Russian Food Culture Posted by on Nov 30, 2017

cup of tea

We have often talked about Russian cuisine on this blog, from popular dishes to unique foods. Now let us look at 3 food-related conventions that may catch a visitor by surprise. Value of Liquid Food A typical larger Russian meal (so, обед — 2nd meal of the day; and ужин — last meal of the…

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“What Would You Do In 1917?” Russian Writers On The Anniversary of the Revolution Posted by on Nov 14, 2017

crowd demonstrating

November 7 marked the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia. The Russian magazine Дружба народов (Friendship of the People) asked several writers about their outlook on that event. Each person was asked the following questions, abridged here: С кем вы?  Кого́ защища́ете и про́тив кого́ выступа́ете? Каки́м хоти́те ви́деть бу́дущее Росси́и? Как вы объясня́ете свой…

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7 Russian MOOCs You Can Take Right Now Posted by on Nov 8, 2017

woman in business attire looking at her tablet

You have probably heard about massive open online courses, also known as MOOCs, that let you study a subject online from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, and often for free. But did you know there are MOOCs offered in Russian, both for learning Russian and on a variety of other subjects?…

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What Subjects Should I Avoid In A Russian Conversation? Posted by on Nov 2, 2017

Russian coat of arms: two-headed eagle

Once you’ve learned enough Russian to have a conversation with a native speaker, you need to think beyond what you can say about what you should say. Let us look at several common “taboo” subjects and see how they are treated by Russian speakers. I will mostly base my observations on what I saw in…

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