Archive by Author
Готовимся ко Дню Победы: [Getting Ready for Victory Day] Как носить Георгиевскую ленточку [How to Wear the St. George Ribbon] Posted by josefina on May 6, 2009
[I’m sorry that the problem with the pictures has not yet been solved, and that you have to visit my personal blog to see the pictures for today’s post. I hope that it will be solved as soon as possible, but until then – have patience! I consider my photos of/from Russia to be almost…
Russian Cases: «Родительный падеж» [Genitive] part III Posted by josefina on May 3, 2009
During the last two years it has become more and more popular to make old Soviet propaganda serve capitalistic ends here in Russia. This is just one twist on the current theme of ‘economic crisis’ worldwide: «Сервис отличный, нормальные цены, пусть не пугают тебя перемены!» [The service is excellent, the prices are normal, don’t let…
Russian Internet Slang: «Олбанский язык» or «Жаргон падонков» Posted by josefina on May 1, 2009
If you can’t see the hilarious comic above with Н. В. Гоголь [N. V. Gogol’] burning his second volume of «Мёртвые души» [“Dead Souls”] and the people in the background saying: «Аффтар жжот!» which is Russian internet slang for «автор зажигает!» [the author (of a post etc) rules, i.e. sets on fire], you can always…
Reading Russian Literature: Иван Алексеевич Бунин [Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin] Posted by josefina on Apr 24, 2009
Out of the five Russian Nobel Prize winners so far – Бунин [Bunin], Шолохов [Sholokhov], Пастернак [Pasternak], Солженицын [Solzhenitsyn], Бродский [Brodsky] – the first of them, Иван Алексеевич Бунин [Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin], seems to have been almost forgotten after receiving the Prize in 1933. Everyone seems to be discussing Sholokhov and asking one of those…
Russian Easter: «Христос воскресе!» [Christ Is Risen!] Posted by josefina on Apr 19, 2009
Today is «Пасха» in Russia, thus Orthodox Easter. On this day it is traditional to eat not only lots and lots of eggs, but to treat your friends and family to this delicious desert also called «пасха», made mainly out of «творог» with nuts and raisins. (If you can’t see the picture here, you can…
Russian Cases: «Родительный падеж» [Genitive] part II Posted by josefina on Apr 16, 2009
We’ve had some trouble showing pictures here for the past month or so, so if you can’t see the picture here I’ve uploaded it to my own personal blog too. This picture is an old favorite of mine, taken on a beach in Siberia back in 2005: «Пьянство у воды – причина беды» [Drunkenness by…
Russian Cases: «Родительный падеж» [Genitive] part I Posted by josefina on Apr 11, 2009
I really hope that the problem with the pictures will be solved soon, because it’s as frustrating for me not to be able to show you the pictures as it is for you not to see them! The graffiti on a wall above: «Я без тебя умру» [I will die without out] shows that after…