Russian Language Blog

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Russian Cases: «с чем?» [with what?], or «творительный падеж» [the instrumental case] Posted by on Jan 24, 2010

«Что это?» [what is this?] This is «книжный шкаф С ПОЛНЫМ СОБРАНИЕМ сочинений Владимира Ильича Ленина» [a bookshelf WITH (THE) COMPLETE COLLECTION of works by Vladimir Il’ich Lenin]. But in order to answer the question «сколько в нём томов?» [how many volumes are there in it (lit. ‘in him’ since the noun ‘collection’ in Russian…

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«Выходные в Вологде» [A Weekend in Vologda] Posted by on Jan 19, 2010

The famous and magnificently beautiful «Софийский собор» [Saint Sofia Cathedral] where Shalamov’s father, «Тихон Шаламов» [Tikhon Shalamov], worked as «православный священник» [an Orthodox priest] in «Вологда» [Vologda] in the early 20th century upon his return from missionary work in Alaska. Behind it you can sneak a preview of the house where Shalamov was born, which…

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Word of the Week: «Возвращение» [Return] Posted by on Jan 14, 2010

Officially the project «мост любви» [bridge of love] was turned down by «правительство города Екатеринбург» [administration of the city of Yekaterinburg] a couple of years ago. But that project concerned another bridge (which can be seen far away in the background). The tradition to put a «замок» [lock] with your names and the date of…

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«Отдыхают все!» [Everybody’s on Holiday!] Posted by on Jan 9, 2010

At least «в России» [in Russia] and at least «до 10 (десятого) января» [until the 10th of January] it is true that «все отдыхают» [everybody’s on holiday]. Even though there was much talk in 2009 about finally abolishing those ten days that every Russian gets off in the beginning of every year «из-за экономического кризиса»…

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Twist Your Tongue Russian Style! Posted by on Jan 4, 2010

It has been said before, «я знаю» [I know], but there’s nothing wrong with a little «повторение» [repeat, repetition; renewal; relapse; rehearsal] of something good! This blog has some of the best readers out there and thus duly receive plenty of excellent comments from you guys. «Спасибочки!» [‘(tiny) thanks!’ a slang version of «спасибо» placing…

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«Готовим оливье!» [Making Oliv’e! (aka The Russian Salad)] Posted by on Jan 1, 2010

Yes, you guessed it! (Did the (impfv.) verb «готовить» [prepare, make ready; train; make, COOK] in the title give it all away at first sight?) Today’s post is indeed «о еде» [about food], and, as you would expect, it is «о русской еде» [about Russian food] – one of the things we Russophiles (well, many…

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«Искусство подарить и получить» [The Art of Giving and Recieving] Posted by on Dec 29, 2009

While most of the world has already received their holiday «подарки» [gifts (plural of «подарок»: present, gift; presentation; pledge, donative)], Russia is still waiting for the main holiday of the year when it is custom to «подарить и получить» [give (pfv.) and receive (pfv.); their imperfect ‘verb comrades’ are «дарить» and «получать»]. Whereas most of…

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