Russian Language Blog

Archive for 'Vocabulary'

8 Russian Football Words for the World Cup Posted by on Jul 11, 2018

young child playing soccer

Now that Russia is out of the running at the World Cup and the tournament is nearing its end, and I’m sure football—or soccer for our US readers—is on many people’s minds. Sasha recently shared his experience at the World Cup. Here are eight words that will helps you talk about the game. 1. Чемпиона́т…

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Bob’s Your Uncle, or Using Kinship Terms for Strangers in Russian Posted by on Jun 21, 2018

older couple

Did you know that some words normally reserved for family members can be used in Russian to refer to people you are not related to? This post will look at some of the situations when this may happen. Тётя The primary sense of тётя is “aunt.” This word may also refer to any adult or…

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