Russian Language Blog

Should I Always Say Комната For “Room” In Russian? Posted by on Feb 8, 2017 in language, Russian for beginners

What do you say every time you need to name a typically rectangular closed-off space with a door and usually four walls? If you said “комната” (room), that is only part of the answer. Let us look the various ways of referring to different rooms in Russian.

bedroom with twin beds

Image from Pixabay

Комната — Room in a House

The primary and most basic word for a room is, of course, комната. This is a common and widespread usage, but it only applies to rooms in a dwelling, like a house or apartment. There are also several derived expressions, such as комнатные растения (potted plants) and комнатная температура (room temperature).

Окно их комнаты выходило во двор, там росла пальма.
(The window of their room looked out on the courtyard, where a palm tree grew.)
[Вадим Крейд. Георгий Иванов в Йере // «Звезда», 2003]

hotel courtyard with balconies

Image from Pixabay

Номер — Hotel Room

Now, for a rented room in a hotel or a similar arrangement, you would not normally say комната. The conventional word is номер.

Мы, семь девочек, жили в одном гостиничном номере.
(We seven girls lived in one hotel room.)
[Наталья Склярова. Если бы у медведя было ружье (2002) // «Вечерняя Москва», 2002.02.07]

lecture hall in a university

Image from Pixabay

Аудитория — Classroom

When we talk about a room in an educational institution, usually a university, the room/lecture hall is called аудитория, regardless of its size. Аудитория is also the word you would use for a group of people watching or listening to a speech or performance (the audience).

Пока они сидят в аудитории и слушают лекции, их сверстники делают карьеру менеджера по продажам или открывают своё дело.
(While they are sitting in a classroom and listening to lectures, their peers are making a career as a sales manager or starting their own businesses.)
[Анна Фенько. Студент всегда прав // «Коммерсантъ-Власть», 2002]

classroom in a school

Image from Pixabay

Кабинет — Office or Classroom

Finally, a room in an office or in a school will probably be called кабинет (also the word for a study, as in a home office). You may also come across классная комната for a classroom. An examination room in a medical facility is also called кабинет.

Для проведения лабораторных работ и в целях безопасности детей в кабинете химии подвели воду к каждому учебному столу.
(To conduct lab experiments and to ensure the children’s safety, taps were installed for each desk.)
[Надежда Костяева. Энергия света для украшения наших городов (2003) // «Пермский строитель», 2003.09.22]

Have you come across any of these words? You may want to read our previous posts about Russian homes and universities.

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About the Author: Maria

Maria is a Russian-born translator from Western New York. She is excited to share her fascination with all things Russian on this blog. Maria's professional updates are available in English on her website and Twitter and in Russian on Telegram.