Tag Archives: Лермонтов
«Это вы всё-таки ждали…»: Answers to the Russian Poetry Quiz! Posted by josefina on Mar 7, 2010

Remember the post here on March 2nd – «Вот неожиданно»: Russian Poetry Quiz! – which disappeared for a while (but now it is back up on the blog, which the working link is living proof of). If you missed it the first time, feel free to have a look at it before reading the correct…
«Вот неожиданно»: Russian Poetry Quiz! Posted by josefina on Mar 2, 2010

Once upon a time I shared a room for a year «с японкой» [with a Japanese girl] and every day she would comment on something in our Russian life by using the adverb «неожиданно» [unexpectedly, unawares; at unawares, by surprise; suddenly, all at once; overnight]. Her reaction to almost everything in Russia was «это было…