Tag Archives: пасха
«Христос воскресе!» [Christ is Risen!] Posted by josefina on Apr 4, 2010

Outside of the church closest to where I live in Yekaterinburg they put up the following poster a few days ago: «4 (четвёртого) апреля – светлое Христово Воскресение» [The 4th of April – the Bright Resurrection of Christ]. «Христос воскресе!» [Christ is risen!]. The following quote turned out too small for you to read on…
Russian Easter: «Христос воскресе!» [Christ Is Risen!] Posted by josefina on Apr 19, 2009

Today is «Пасха» in Russia, thus Orthodox Easter. On this day it is traditional to eat not only lots and lots of eggs, but to treat your friends and family to this delicious desert also called «пасха», made mainly out of «творог» with nuts and raisins. (If you can’t see the picture here, you can…