Tag Archives: праздник
«Что делать в честь дня России?» [What to do in honor of Russia’s (Independence?) Day?] Posted by josefina on Jun 13, 2010

Yesterday – «12 июня» [June 12th] – was a very great and highly important day for citizens of Russia, Russians and, of course, our ordinary crowd of «сочувствующие» [pl. sympathizing] Russophiles worldwide. It was «день России» [‘Day of Russia’; or why not ‘Russia’s Day’], a public holiday formerly known as «день независимости России» [Russia’s Independence…
«С праздником!» or: How to Congratulate Russian Style Posted by josefina on Nov 5, 2009

Yesterday was the 4th of November and «выходной день в России» [a day of rest, day off, holiday in Russia]. Yes once again it was time to celebrate the mysterious «День народного единства» [(People’s) Unity Day]. There’s no need to pretend that Russians don’t look at this strange holiday in pretty much the same way…
Готовимся ко Дню Победы: [Getting Ready for Victory Day] Как носить Георгиевскую ленточку [How to Wear the St. George Ribbon] Posted by josefina on May 6, 2009

[I’m sorry that the problem with the pictures has not yet been solved, and that you have to visit my personal blog to see the pictures for today’s post. I hope that it will be solved as soon as possible, but until then – have patience! I consider my photos of/from Russia to be almost…