Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: русская грамматика

Word of the Week: «Съездить» Posted by on Aug 14, 2009

The week might almost be over (it is after all «пятница» [Friday] already as I’m posting this) but it is not too late to learn a new Russian word before «воскресенье» [Sunday] is upon us, inevitably followed by yet another «понедельник» [Monday]. The word of the week this time is a verb and a rather…

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Russian Cases: «Винительный падеж» [Accusative] (part I) Posted by on Jul 13, 2009

Today’s case – «винительный падеж» [accusative] – is used in the sentence above «Добро пожаловать в музей!» [‘Welcome to the museum!’] as an answer to the question: «куда?» [where?]. Today’s post will be an easy, breezy post – and thus a perfect post to read on lazy summer days like these in the middle of…

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