Tag Archives: русская поэзия
«Это вы всё-таки ждали…»: Answers to the Russian Poetry Quiz! Posted by josefina on Mar 7, 2010

Remember the post here on March 2nd – «Вот неожиданно»: Russian Poetry Quiz! – which disappeared for a while (but now it is back up on the blog, which the working link is living proof of). If you missed it the first time, feel free to have a look at it before reading the correct…
«Вот неожиданно»: Russian Poetry Quiz! Posted by josefina on Mar 2, 2010

Once upon a time I shared a room for a year «с японкой» [with a Japanese girl] and every day she would comment on something in our Russian life by using the adverb «неожиданно» [unexpectedly, unawares; at unawares, by surprise; suddenly, all at once; overnight]. Her reaction to almost everything in Russia was «это было…
«С днём рождения, Александр Сергеевич!» [Happy Birthday, Alexander Sergeyevich!] Posted by josefina on Jun 6, 2009
Today is the 6th of June 2009 and 210 years ago today Russia’s greatest poet (some say he was the greatest writer PERIOD, too, but I’ll settle with calling him the greatest poet at this given moment in time) was born – Александр Сергеевич Пушкин [Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin]. Being a fan of Russia (or, perhaps…