Tag Archives: слова
Russian Language: The Lazy Man’s Version Posted by josefina on Jul 2, 2010

Some things in Russian language are not so difficult to learn and remember. Like this thing pictured above (the photo cold have been taken «в Челябинской области» [in Chelyabinsk Region], but it was not) – at first I wanted to call it «трактор» [a tractor], but that’s what happens when you bring a person from…
Russian Word of the Week: «Домашний» [Homey, Domestic; Indoor] Posted by josefina on Oct 17, 2009

Have you ever wondered what the difference between the noun «дом» and the adverb «дома» is? Read and compare the use of the words in the following sentence: «Для большинства людей это просто достаточно старый, деревянный дом» [To most people this is just a rather old, wooden house], «а для некоторых он же – дома»…