Tag Archives: accent reduction
Take Your Pronunciation to the Next Level – Part II Posted by Maria on Jul 28, 2014

This post is continued from last week. We were talking about the top areas you should concentrate on to drastically improve your Russian pronunciation. 4. ы Ы is a funny sound. It is not considered very pretty-sounding in Russian, and few native words have it. At the same time, it is widely used to form…
Take Your Pronunciation to the Next Level – Part I Posted by Maria on Jul 21, 2014
Does anyone here find Russian pronunciation challenging? Perhaps you are learning Russian abroad and don’t get to hear native speakers very often. Or maybe, despite hearing them, you just can’t grasp how they produce the sounds of Russian and cannot quite repeat them. Let’s hope that’s not the case. But whatever your accent in Russian…
Speak Russian без акцента in just one month!!(?) Posted by Rob on Jul 25, 2012

Okay, maybe it’s not actually possible for a student of Russian to speak «без акцента» (“without a foreign accent”) in just a month — heck, I started studying the language in 1989 and I still haven’t completely gotten rid of my US-English акцент! But with the caveat that my Russian pronunciation is far from native…