Tag Archives: celebrating Russian holidays
New Year’s Celebrations at School and Work Posted by Maria on Dec 22, 2014
We have talked about the traditional New Year’s celebration in Russian homes, with an abundant meal, elaborate toasts, watching TV, and the midnight countdown. However, New Year being the biggest holiday in Russia, it is also celebrated outside the home — at school and at work. Let us go over some celebrations Russian encounter throughout…
Christmas is not Russia’s Main Winter Holiday Posted by Jenya on Dec 10, 2014
Since the beginning of December every minute of every hour brings us closer to the crazy, stressful, yet long anticipated, and magical winter holidays. Some of you may think I am being politically correct by not saying “Christmas” and using “winter holidays” instead. Let me assure you this is not the case. A lot of…
Russian Easter. Can You Say “Христос Воскрес”? Posted by Jenya on Apr 16, 2014

This year Пасха (Easter) in Russia and Easter here in US coincidentally fall on the same day, so I decided to give you an overview of what Easter is like in Russia. First of all, forget the bunny; there is no Easter bunny in Russia. Also, forget the whole Easter basket for kids: Easter in…
Russian Perspective on International Women’s Day Posted by Jenya on Mar 4, 2014
In a few short days, on March 8 to be exact, most Russian women will wake up in anticipation of something special. For many of them this feeling will be confirmed with gifts of love and affection from family and friends, yet others will face disappointment when their expectations do not come to pass…
Celebrating Russian Easter Posted by yelena on Apr 11, 2012

Let’s hope that all of us are done with taxes. This leaves us with just one problem to solve – what to do with hundreds of plastic eggs we have left over from Easter. So let’s tackle this problem and learn a bit about Easter in the process (and if you don’t celebrate Easter, you…
How to Decorate the New Year’s Tree Posted by yelena on Dec 21, 2011

I don’t know about you, but конец декабря (the end of December) is always the busiest time for me. It’s all about getting ready for Новый Год (the New Year), мой любимый праздник (my favorite holiday). At first I wasn’t going to write about празднование Нового Года (celebrating the New Year) since we already covered…
Are You Ready For the New Year? Posted by yelena on Dec 16, 2010

The Russian New Year season is well under way. Yes, that’s right, New Year is more than a day, it’s a season. «Приготовления» [preparations] start early. Not as early as the Christmas frenzy in the US, but definitely by early December. There’s so much to figure out! «Где будем праздновать» [Where are (we) going…