Tag Archives: Clothes
What’s Physical Comfort for Russians? Posted by Maria on Oct 18, 2016
Many visitors are surprised to find life in Russia, especially in large urban centers, closer to a developed country than they expected. At the same time, some fixtures they are used to may be missing. Conversely, there are some things that Russian are used to having and will likely feel uncomfortable without, no matter how…
What Panama Hat? Headwear in Russian Posted by Maria on Apr 14, 2016

Many of you have heard about the recent “Panama Papers” (#panamapapers) scandal, where several celebrities, state officials, and business owners were revealed to have had assets in offshore companies. One of Vladimir Putin’s friends also featured in the leak, prompting satirical posters depicting the Russian president wearing a Panama hat and asking “Кака́я Пана́ма?” (“What Panama…
Fashion Dos and Don’ts in Russia Posted by Maria on Apr 7, 2014
Having lived in the US for some time now, I can’t help thinking about certain fashion and grooming conventions that are matter-of-fact in the US but would stand out as bizarre in Russia and vice versa. Some of these will inevitably be subjective, but they are true for most cases I’ve observed. Despite the “do”/”don’t”…
Keep your shirt on! (Buttoning and zipping in Russian) Posted by Rob on Jun 13, 2012

Getting dressed is one thing. But unless you’re in some kind of tight-fitting spandex, you won’t STAY dressed very long if your clothes aren’t properly secured with some kind of застёжка (“fastener”). As young children have to learn, there are various types of застёжки. For instance, a пуговица (“button”) can help keep your рубашка (“shirt”)…
«Надеть одежду, одеть Надежду» Posted by Rob on Jun 11, 2012

“To put on clothes and to clothe Nadezhda” Maybe you recognize the title of today’s post — it’s a classic mnemonic device to help distinguish between the verbs надеть and одеть. Rest assured that it’s not only foreign students who have trouble with the two; do a Google search and you’ll find plenty of Russians…
Clothes, Russian-Style Posted by Natalie on Jan 10, 2011

We depart from our posts «об истории Киева» [about the history of Kiev] to talk about… «одежда» [clothes]! Don’t worry, I will resume telling you about the history of Kiev in another post very soon. «Я типичная девушка» [I’m a typical girl]: «я очень люблю ходить по магазинам» [I really love shopping]. «Я также люблю…