Tag Archives: Defender of the Fatherland Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day Posted by yelena on Feb 23, 2012

February 23rd is yet another holiday in Russia – День защитника Отечества (Defender of the Fatherland Day). The majority of young Russian males end up serving in the Armed Forces as призывники (draftees). Comparatively few Russian women serve in the military. Besides, women have their own holiday on March 8th. For all these reasons, February…
С днём защитника Отечества! [Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!] Posted by josefina on Feb 23, 2009

It is THE holiday season in Russia right now: On the 14th of February it’s«Деньвсехвлюблённых» [The Day of Everybody in Love], then on the 23rd it’s «ДеньзащитникаОтечества» [Defender of the Fatherland Day], wrapping up on the 8th of March with «Международныйженскийдень» [International Women’s Day]. Out of these three holidays – on all of which it…