Tag Archives: drinking in Russia
3 Russian Drinking Traditions You May Not Know About Posted by Maria on Oct 26, 2017

Drinking alcohol is one of the first associations many people have with Russia (whether rightly or not). However, the drinking culture may be different from other countries. In today’s post, we will look at three alcohol-related behavio(u)rs specific to Russia. Drinking Gesture Covered in our overview of popular Russian gestures, a flick or tap on…
Make Every Single Word Count Posted by yelena on Dec 9, 2010

My aunt is visiting from Russia «через пару недель» [in just a couple of weeks] and I’m seriously contemplating asking her to bring me a pair of «валенки», the traditional Russian felt boots. «Зима!» [It’s winter!] «Подмораживает» [It’s getting frosty]. One of the beautiful things about Russian language is that you can build a…
«Что делать в честь дня России?» [What to do in honor of Russia’s (Independence?) Day?] Posted by josefina on Jun 13, 2010

Yesterday – «12 июня» [June 12th] – was a very great and highly important day for citizens of Russia, Russians and, of course, our ordinary crowd of «сочувствующие» [pl. sympathizing] Russophiles worldwide. It was «день России» [‘Day of Russia’; or why not ‘Russia’s Day’], a public holiday formerly known as «день независимости России» [Russia’s Independence…