Tag Archives: figure skating
The Russian Soul of Winter Olympics: “Русская душа зимних олимпиад” Posted by yelena on Feb 19, 2010
The Vancouver Winter Olympics started last week, on February 12. The day before “церемонии открытия” [the opening ceremony], “премьер-министр Владимир Путин” [Prime Minister Vladimir Putin] addressed the athletes, giving them a combination of pep talk and partying words known in Russian as “напутствие” (lit.: for the road): Мы все с нетерпением ждём стартов и…
Rhetorical Russian Remark: «Можно ли станцевать гимн России?» Posted by josefina on Apr 3, 2009

In the latest number of «Русский репортёр» (№12, April 2-9 2009) there’s an interview with the professional ice skaters Яна Хохлова [Yana Khokhlova] and Сергей Новицкий [Sergey Novitsky], in which they not only ponder the imperative inquiry «Можно ли станцевать гимн России?» [It is possible to dance Russia’s national anthem?], but also answer many other…