Tag Archives: gardening
Russian For Farming Posted by Maria on Aug 30, 2017

Do you like gardening, or perhaps you farm for a living? Then you would probably like to know how to talk about growing things in Russian. This post will list a few common farming words to get you started. Сад Сад translates as a garden or an orchard and is an important word for agriculture…
A time to sow, a time to reap, a time to add fertilizer… Posted by Rob on Nov 27, 2012

That Ecclesiastes quotation (minus the fertilizer part) is traditionally translated from Hebrew to Russian as время насаждать, и время вырывать посаженное (“a time to put in the ground, a time to tear up that which was planted”) — though the familiar English phrasing we all know from the Byrds song can be directly rendered as…
We must cultivate our garden! (or, more about tools) Posted by Rob on Sep 26, 2012

In Monday’s post, I talked about some of the basic ручные инструменты (“hand tools”) that might be employed by a плотник (“carpenter”) or a сантехник (“plumber”) — as well as some of the verbs that go along with these tools. Today, we’ll take that theme out into to the огород (“backyard vegetable patch”), with some…