Tag Archives: Medvedev
Putin vs. Medvedev Posted by Natalie on May 16, 2011
Well, «дорогие читатели» [dear readers], I owe you an apology for abandoning you for so long. I was delayed in returning to England and «в результате» [as a result], I had to do extra work to catch up. «Весь день» [All day], I would be reading. However, now I seem to have caught up, so…
Russia: «не страна, а анекдот!» [not a country, but an anecdote!] Posted by josefina on Mar 16, 2009

I’ve decided to hunt this country not for mushrooms (it’s too early for that) but for cases – «охота на падежи!». Whenever I come across interesting use of cases in the Russian reality around me, I will take a picture of it and publish it here, hoping it can – with time, of course –…