Tag Archives: October Revolution
Looking for Russian Holiday to Celebrate? Posted by yelena on Nov 3, 2010

«Какой русский не любит праздновать» [What kind of a Russian doesn’t like to celebrate]! Russians celebrate with «смак» [gusto] both the well-established holidays and the newly adopted ones. Holidays that lose their «блеск» [luster] are never discarded, but instead reinvented. And even the ones that get forgotten or cast aside tend to «возрождаться» [reappear]…
Introducing: «Единый день народных сметанников» [United Day of People’s Smetanniki] Posted by josefina on Nov 4, 2008

Hello gorgeous! Шесть свежевыпеченных сметанников (из магазина) [six freshly baked ‘smetannikis’ (from the store)] and the celebration of November 4th can begin! This morning when I woke up late there was but one question on my unglossed lips – how should I celebrate today’s beautiful holiday? «Сегодня всё-таки “День народного единства”!» [Today is after all…