Tag Archives: Pasternak
Famous Russian Books Posted by Jenya on Oct 14, 2015
Today’s blog is all about books you’ve likely heard of but may not have known were penned by Russian authors. These books are counted among the most celebrated works of all time and worthy of your consideration if you’re trying to learn about Russia and it’s culture. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov was written during the…
«Это вы всё-таки ждали…»: Answers to the Russian Poetry Quiz! Posted by josefina on Mar 7, 2010

Remember the post here on March 2nd – «Вот неожиданно»: Russian Poetry Quiz! – which disappeared for a while (but now it is back up on the blog, which the working link is living proof of). If you missed it the first time, feel free to have a look at it before reading the correct…
Instead of a Russian Time Machine: «Алмазный мой венец» [My Diamond Crown]! Posted by josefina on Oct 13, 2009

How many times have we not wished that our neighbor was «сумасшедший учёный» [a crazy scientist] who would one day come knocking on our door, asking if we’d like to try out his newly invented «машина времени» [time machine]? The scene, as I always had pictured me it (and I’m sure you see it in…