Tag Archives: popular Russian sayings
Food For Thought: Food Idioms in Russian Posted by Maria on Jul 25, 2016

A good number of Russian sayings feature food. Let us take a look at their literal meaning and idiomatic usage. Scroll to the end of the post to test your understanding and fill in the blanks in authentic contexts. Аппетит приходит во время еды Literally, “appetite comes during the meal.” It is used figuratively to…
Famous Quotes in Russian Translation Posted by Maria on Feb 23, 2015
There are certain quotes (цита́ты) from films, literature, folk sayings, and so on that have entered our everyday lexicon. This is the case with Russian, as well. Listed below are phrases originally said or written in languages other than Russian that are known to the vast majority of Russians. Can you finish these quotes? Hover…
How to Talk Like a Russian (Pet) Posted by yelena on Sep 28, 2011
Ever wondered what do Russian animals say and how they say it? Well, consider this video your pronunciation guide and this post – the not-so-boring and definitely non-mandatory reading. I have a bi-lingual cat (here’s his picture). Seriously, my cat is a genius. Not only does he understand everything we tell him whether in Russian…