Tag Archives: Russian children
Russian Outdoor Games for Kids Posted by Maria on Sep 3, 2019

Have you ever wondered what kind of outdoor activities Russian children engage in? The games (и́гры) in this post are not unique to Russia and are known in the entire post-Soviet area—and beyond. Кла́ссики This one’s a classic (pun intended)! Кла́ссики is the Russian name for hopscotch. I imagine most people are familiar with it…
What It Was Like to Be a 90s Kid In Russia – Part II Posted by Maria on Nov 6, 2014
Earlier this week we talked about growing up in Russia in the nineties. Many of you brought up things you remembered from your childhood in Russia or in other countries. It is always fascinating to see what things transcended borders and what things were more regional. Let us continue this week. Chewing Gum with Stickers/Inserts One…
What It Was Like to Be a 90s Kid In Russia — Part I Posted by Maria on Nov 3, 2014
Read Part II here. As the so-called millenials are coming of age around the world, there are always posts popping up about what it was like growing up in the 90s. I like to compare what things I recognize from my childhood in Russia and what things must be specific to the country the post describes…
Celebrating the First of September Posted by yelena on Aug 30, 2010

I live 5 houses down from «начальная школа» [an elementary school]. It’s a pretty useless piece of trivia, except that every year since we moved into our house, I have had an acute case of «ностальгия» [nostalgia] at about this time of year. «Моя ностальгия – по Первому сентября» [I am nostalgic for the First…
Once, at Summer Camp… Posted by yelena on Jul 10, 2010

Summer in Russia seems to be a theme for most of this week’s posts. So it only makes sense to «выразить поддержку» [express support] by writing about my summers growing up in Russia. For me, summers were like «американские горки» [roller-coasters]. First, there was excitement of the last day of school, of returning textbooks to…
Billion-Strong Russia Posted by yelena on May 19, 2010

The kind of stuff one can find on Internet without even trying never ceases to amaze me. For example, today I started off at Lenta.ru and drifted over to the brand-new «президент.рф» site, located on one of the first «нелатинский домен» [domain that does not use Roman alphabet]. While at президент.рф, I discovered that…