Tag Archives: russian prepositions
Two Ways of Saying “For” in Russian: What’s The Difference Between Для And За? Posted by Maria on Aug 3, 2017

If you look up “for” in a Russian dictionary, you will see at least two options — для and за. I will list some of the most common scenarios where you would use either preposition so you can grasp the difference better. За + accusative Support За expresses someone’s support of a particular cause, candidate…
Russian Cases: «Родительный падеж» [Genitive] part II Posted by josefina on Apr 16, 2009

We’ve had some trouble showing pictures here for the past month or so, so if you can’t see the picture here I’ve uploaded it to my own personal blog too. This picture is an old favorite of mine, taken on a beach in Siberia back in 2005: «Пьянство у воды – причина беды» [Drunkenness by…