Tag Archives: Russian proverbs
Russian Summer Sayings Posted by Nadya on May 28, 2021

We have already talked about Russian spring proverbs, winter expressions, and fall vocabulary. And, of course, today’s blog will be about summer sayings. Today, you can quickly check the weather forecast in seconds. To do this, you just need the Internet. But for millennia, people have followed the changes in nature and its phenomena. The…
Russian Proverbs About Spring Posted by Nadya on Mar 30, 2021

Probably, people in Russia do not await any other season as much as spring. Finally, the snow melted, the birds started singing, and nature began to acquire bright colors. For a long time in Russia, spring was treated with gratitude and honor. Writers have devoted an endless number of novels and poems describing spring nature…
Love And Vegetable Sayings Posted by Nadya on Feb 12, 2021

As you know, Valentine’s Day (День Святого Валентина) is approaching. There will finally be an occasion to call those we love (любить) but rarely talk to. While some are looking forward to this holiday, others do not celebrate it for their personal reasons or principles. No matter what group of people you belong to, I…
As Good As Dead: Macabre Russian Sayings Posted by Maria on Apr 17, 2018

Russian has its share of gallows humor, so I have put together a list of sayings having to do with the dead. Горбатого могила исправит Горб is a hump, so горбатый is a hunchback (not a very nice way to describe someone). Могила is a grave, and исправить is to correct or fix. So, this…
Biblical Phrases in Russian Posted by Maria on Jun 7, 2016

Many of the phrases we use in Russian — and in English — actually come from or are inspired by (the corresponding translation of) the Bible. I am not qualified to give a theological interpretation of such phrases. You can follow the links for each phrase to see the larger context in English or in…
Femme Fatale, Fried Rooster, and Frightened Monkey Posted by yelena on Dec 20, 2012
Do you know this just might be the last post on the Russian blog? I’m saying it because tomorrow is December 21st, 2012, роковая дата (fatal date) some people and Hollywood studios believe to be конец света (the end of the world). Whether you believe in this предсказание (prediction) or think it’s just россказни (tall…
Defense Against the Dark Arts! Posted by Rob on Nov 6, 2012

[Note: This post was originally written for Хеллуин, but as already mentioned, the arrival of Hurricane Sandy caused some power outages and delays…] In the Harry Potter books, “Defense against the Dark Arts” is a mandatory class for Hogwarts students, and in the Russian editions, it was straightforwardly translated as “Защита от тёмных искусств.” And…