Tag Archives: Russian Reporter
In The Russian News Posted by josefina on May 18, 2009
Good evening, everyone! I’m sorry the latest entries on the blog may have been posted a little too frequently, but there’s a reason for that – tomorrow I’m taking the train to Томск [Tomsk]! «В Сибирь!» [To Siberia!] In Tomsk I will take part in the annual conference for foreign students in Russia – «Всероссийский…
Rhetorical Russian Remark: «Можно ли станцевать гимн России?» Posted by josefina on Apr 3, 2009

In the latest number of «Русский репортёр» (№12, April 2-9 2009) there’s an interview with the professional ice skaters Яна Хохлова [Yana Khokhlova] and Сергей Новицкий [Sergey Novitsky], in which they not only ponder the imperative inquiry «Можно ли станцевать гимн России?» [It is possible to dance Russia’s national anthem?], but also answer many other…