Tag Archives: Russian school
Schools In Russia Posted by Nadya on Aug 31, 2020

The First of September (пе́рвое сентября́) is Knowledge Day (День зна́ний) in Russia. It is the official school start date. Pupils on this day return to schools (шко́лы), colleges (ко́лледжи), and universities (университе́ты). You can read more about how Russian children and their parents prepare for school and celebrate this day here. Today we will…
Should I Always Say Комната For “Room” In Russian? Posted by Maria on Feb 8, 2017

What do you say every time you need to name a typically rectangular closed-off space with a door and usually four walls? If you said “комната” (room), that is only part of the answer. Let us look the various ways of referring to different rooms in Russian. Комната — Room in a House The primary…
Uniquely Russian School Assignments Posted by Maria on May 26, 2014
In a comment to a previous post, I was asked what has changed in the Russian educational system since the Soviet times. From my (perhaps limited) experience with Russian education, the things that have changed actually bring the system closer to that of the US. Four-year university degrees, multiple-choice tests, typewritten papers — you name…
Knowledge Day or Back to School Posted by yelena on Sep 10, 2013
Did you like school as a child? I did, but only for the first few days. In fact, I am pretty sure that many kids in Russia really like school for at least one day and that day is Первое сентября (September 1st) also known as День Знаний (Knowledge Day). It is definitely one of…
Celebrating the First of September Posted by yelena on Aug 30, 2010

I live 5 houses down from «начальная школа» [an elementary school]. It’s a pretty useless piece of trivia, except that every year since we moved into our house, I have had an acute case of «ностальгия» [nostalgia] at about this time of year. «Моя ностальгия – по Первому сентября» [I am nostalgic for the First…