Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: russian slang

When Russians Get Busy, They Say… Posted by on Aug 5, 2011

Soviet poster делу время time for work

On my «личный» [personal] blog I frequently start new posts with «извинение» [an apology]. It goes something like this: “Well, it’s been a while since my last post, but things have been crazy-busy here”. Until very recently I didn’t think much of the “crazy-busy” phrase, but how would I say something like that in Russian?…

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April Fool’s Day (Is Over) Posted by on Apr 5, 2011

Do you celebrate April Fool’s Day? Many Russians do since «чувство юмора» [sense of humor] is a valued quality. In fact, many personal ads include this «чувство юмора» as a must-have quality for «серьёзные отношения» [meaningful relationship]. «Но вернёмся к нашим баранам» [But let’s get back to business; lit. – let’s get back to…

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Time to Make Money: «Пора рубить капусту!» Posted by on Mar 15, 2010

Old Soviet Ruble

Recipe for making money Russian-style includes cabbage, beans, ground meat and mysterious bablo.

«Щас!» – What DOES it mean and what DO Russians mean when they say it? Posted by on Feb 11, 2010

Sometimes Russians say things to you and you do not understand. «Это неизбежно» [it is inevitable]. «К сожалению» [unfortunately]. And this situation may be repeated. Over and over. The situation in itself will be different every time, but the word or phrase you didn’t understand the first time will remain the same. Until you figure…

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