Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: Russian Soul

Russia Cannot Be Understood by the Mind Alone… or Can It? Posted by on Sep 3, 2010

The infamous line “Russia cannot be understood by the mind alone” is one of those must-know Russian phrases that comes up pretty much constantly in many situations. It lends itself happily to a collection of jokes and funny images that, like the photo above, seem to confirm that Russia is indeed a land of…

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Russian Phraseology: The Русская Душа! Posted by on Mar 24, 2008

Already on the 28th of February 1866 a certain Mr. Fyodor Tyutchev [Фёдор Тютчев] realized what a mystery the Russian Soul is to us ‘non-Russians’ and that’s probably what he was thinking of when he wrote these classical lines: «Умом Россию не понять, Аршином общим не измерить, У ней особенная стать, В Россию можно только…

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