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Tag Archives: Russian space agency

Outer Space: Russia Was Here First Posted by on Jun 3, 2015

Though I was not alive during the most of the Cold War, I have read about it. One of the greatest aspects of it was the “Space Race.” The intense rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States prompted both countries to allocate huge amounts of resources into putting mankind into outer space. In…

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Why Do Russians Call Their Astronauts Cosmonauts? Posted by on Feb 10, 2011

Today, February 10th 2011 marks «столетие со дня рождения Мстислава Всеволодовича Келдыша» [one hundredth birthday of Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldish]. Keldish was a Soviet scientist without whose contributions many of «успехи советской космонавтики» [achievements of the Soviet cosmonautics], including Sputnik and the first manned flight would not had happened. Although his name rarely appeared in…

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