Tag Archives: russian summer
Russian Summer Sayings Posted by Nadya on May 28, 2021

We have already talked about Russian spring proverbs, winter expressions, and fall vocabulary. And, of course, today’s blog will be about summer sayings. Today, you can quickly check the weather forecast in seconds. To do this, you just need the Internet. But for millennia, people have followed the changes in nature and its phenomena. The…
Let’s Talk About Summer Plans Posted by yelena on Jun 8, 2012

Is your summer bucket list ready? In case you don’t know what a bucket list is, it’s a list of things you want to сделать (to do), выполнить (to accomplish), достичь (to achieve), увидеть (to see), попробовать (to try, to taste), and otherwise испытать (to experience) before you сыграть в ящик (kick the bucket; die)…
Soup And Salad All In One Posted by yelena on Jul 21, 2011

This summer’s «жара» [heat] and «засуха» [drought] are set to beat all sorts of records. While the «пессимист» [pessimist] in me frets over «мой огород» [my vegetable patch] and the «оптимист» [optimist] in me cheers that «вода в бассейне будет ещё теплее» [water in the pool will get even warmer], my inner «реалист» [realist]…
What’s a Russian Picnic Without Kebabs? Posted by yelena on Jun 16, 2011

What is one summer must-do thing that is «романтично» [romantic], hot, takes place «на природе» [out in nature, outdoors] and can’t be done «без мужчин» [without men]? It is, of course, «шашлыки» [shish-kebabs] – favorite past-time for the short Russian summer. If there were a single maxim about «шашлык», it would be «шашлык это не…
Russian Poetry: Летний сад, Part 2 Posted by Natalie on Feb 9, 2011

«Дорогие друзья» [Dear friends], I did something very bad this Tuesday: «я пропустила занятие по русскому языку» [I skipped Russian class]. I really did not want to, I assure you. «Но мне было надо написать письменную работу» [But I had to finish my essay (literally “written work”)]. But luckily, this does not mean I…
Word of the Week: «Жара!» [Heat!] Posted by josefina on Jul 18, 2010

In Russia you’ll only find «такая пустая улица» [such an empty street] in the city «летом» [(instrumental case: when?) in the summer] when «жара» [the heat] has driven all citizens either «на дачу» [(accusative case: direction) to the dacha] or – as one can read about in this article – «в подвал» [into the basement]…
There Is More to Sundress Posted by yelena on Jul 13, 2010

Time flies and it’s already mid-July. Can you smell the winter frost in the air? With the thermometer stubbornly in the 90ies (Fahrenheit), I personally can’t. And yet, while the summer is in full swing, there are many signs pointing to the approaching winter. I have at least 3 of these signs in my own…