Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: society

Top 5 Russian Personal Documents Posted by on Feb 27, 2020

Russian domestic passport

As I wrote before, life in Russia is a bit more bureaucratic than people in other countries may be used to. There are several documents that people need in order to receive certain legal or social services or even to enter buildings! 1. Па́спорт (National ID) The word па́спорт literally means “passport,” but it is…

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Поэт или авторка: Gendered Names of Occupations in Russian Posted by on Apr 17, 2019

woman working in a cafe

Russian is a gendered language, which means that nouns have a grammatical gender (род): feminine (же́нский), masculine (мужско́й), or neuter (сре́дний). True, it can be confusing to grasp why a table (стол) is masculine and a river (река́) is feminine, but it should be much simpler with names of people’s occupations, right? In theory, yes…

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Why a Sportswear Ad Campaign Blew Up in Russia Posted by on Feb 28, 2019

female weightlifter

We are now hitting the “gender” holiday season in Russia. Defender of the Fatherland on February 23 is usually seen as “men’s day,” and March 8 is International Women’s Day. Incidentally, a recent ad campaign by Reebok has started a heated debate—and backlash—around the subject of gender roles, feminism, and appropriate behavio(u)r. A couple of warnings…

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