Tag Archives: spring in Russia
Russian Proverbs About Spring Posted by Nadya on Mar 30, 2021

Probably, people in Russia do not await any other season as much as spring. Finally, the snow melted, the birds started singing, and nature began to acquire bright colors. For a long time in Russia, spring was treated with gratitude and honor. Writers have devoted an endless number of novels and poems describing spring nature…
Spring Has Sprung Posted by yelena on Mar 16, 2012

This has been a harsh winter in Russia and it’s not quite over yet. The snow and cold are lingering well into March in many regions of the country. It’s a balmy 26 degrees F there today and snow is expected tomorrow. And weather reports include до боли знакомые строки (painfully familiar verses) by Feodor…
May in Russia – Celebrate, Study, and Plan for Summer Posted by yelena on May 6, 2011

«Май» [May] is my second «самый любимый месяц» [most favorite month] to be in Russia. The first one is «август» [August], «по личным причинам» [for personal reasons]. «Весна в разгаре» [Spring is in full force] or to recall the famous line of a fairly obscure poet: «Это май-баловник, это май-чародей» [It is May the…