Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: strange russian expressions

And the Winner Is… Posted by on May 20, 2011

Warning: This is a very long post and the winner is announced at the very end of it.  «Время подводить итоги конкурса» [It’s time to wrap up our contest]. Before I announce «победитель» [the winner], I got to say this – Russian blog readers ROCK! The total of 83 comments is a new record…

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Let’s Celebrate Something or Other Posted by on May 10, 2011

A lot can be said on the subject of Russian immigrant experience. But one thing is for sure – Russians here in the US celebrate a lot more holidays than average Americans. We eagerly adopt many American holidays, especially the ones that guarantee an extra day off. But we never abandon «свои праздники» [our own…

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Russian Craftsman Posted by on May 12, 2010

If you are interested in all things Russian (and since you’re reading our blog, I guess you are), then it’s likely you regularly read (or rather, view) the posts from If you do, then you likely have seen this post about an old craftsman who takes the meaning of «жить по-царски» [to live like…

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Examples of Strange Russian Expressions Posted by on May 31, 2009

Sometimes Russians may say something that sounds so strange that you cannot – even though you know the meaning of all the words in the sentence they just uttered – for the life of you understand what they mean. An example is the famous expression «да нет» [‘yes no’] which I up until a couple…

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