Tag Archives: summer in russia
Russian Summer Wardrobe: Get Your Speedo Ready! Posted by Jenya on May 20, 2015
Summer is upon us and with it the desire to finally shed multiple layers of clothing and feel the warmth of the Sun on our skin. Of course, if you live in Florida, California or some other place that is just as warm, you probably don’t get quite as excited. But what if you live…
Don’t Go to the Beach (Without Reading This First)! Posted by yelena on Jul 18, 2011

What is «лето» [summer] without spending some time «на пляже» [at a beach]? Have you done it yet? If not, then what are you waiting for; the summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) is almost over. As the saying goes, «ноги в руки и вперёд!» [get to it!] Because next thing you know, it will be…
Word of the Week: «Жара!» [Heat!] Posted by josefina on Jul 18, 2010

In Russia you’ll only find «такая пустая улица» [such an empty street] in the city «летом» [(instrumental case: when?) in the summer] when «жара» [the heat] has driven all citizens either «на дачу» [(accusative case: direction) to the dacha] or – as one can read about in this article – «в подвал» [into the basement]…
«Моё первое русское лето» [My first Russian Summer] Posted by josefina on Jul 6, 2010

Russia is white not only in winter: during summer she’s («Россия» is after all a feminine noun!) covered in what I like to call «летний снег» [summer snow]. Other people call it simply «белый пух» [white down; fluff; fuzz]. The real name for it is «тополиный пух» [poplar fuzz] – and no Russian summer is…
Juices, Waters and Bulgakov Posted by yelena on Jun 4, 2010

Do you know that most of Russia has «континентальный климат» [a continental climate]? This means very cold winters followed by short, but very warm dry summers with occasional temperatures “characteristic of tropical climates”. June’s barely begun and «температура» [temperature] is already in the lower 30ies in my native Volgograd. Josefina’s second home, Yekaterinburg, is expected…
A Russian Small Town: «Верхний Тагил» [Verkhny, or ‘Upper’, Tagil] Posted by josefina on Jul 10, 2009

The last post about a trip to a «деревня» [village], or more correctly a «посёлок» [settlement] in the Russian region of «южныйУрал» [Southern Urals] is followed up today as we continue our exploration of a part of Russia that I’ve come to love dearly after three years here: «Урал» [the Ural Mountains]! Today’s journey takes…