Russian Language Blog

Tag Archives: tips for travelers

Advice for First-Time Travelers to Russia by Arie Helderman Posted by on Jun 11, 2018

potatoes with dill

This post is the second in a series of first-hand accounts and tips from people who have traveled to Russia. Check out previous posts in this series here! Our second guest author is Arie Helderman, a freelance copywriter from the Netherlands. He runs his own site about learning Russian at The rest of this post…

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Advice for First-Time Travelers to Russia by Emily Owens Altman Posted by on May 1, 2018

GUM department store

This post is the first in a series of first-hand accounts and tips from people who have traveled to Russia. They will share their experiences and give prospective visitors some advice. Our first guest author is Emily Owens Altman, a librarian in Richmond, Virginia. The rest of this post is by Emily, with Russian spellings and…

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First time in Russia? Добро пожаловать! (Part 2) Posted by on Mar 25, 2015

You finally get to your hotel and your adrenaline is the only thing keeping you awake because you’ve now been up for more than 24 hours. You check in and get your visa registered as required by law. Thankfully the Intercontinental Hotel staff are able to arrange this for you – sometimes this is free…

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