Tag Archives: traditional Russian food
5 Russian Foods That May Get Lost In Translation Posted by Maria on May 2, 2017
You might have read our previous articles about Russian food or maybe even tried or cooked some of that food yourself. A person unfamiliar with Russian food, though, may be tricked or misguided by the translated names of Russian foods into imagining a food item quite different from how it is made in Russia. Каша…
Things to do/try when in Russia Posted by Jenya on Mar 11, 2014
So you made the decision to go to Russia or, perhaps, somebody made it for you. Either way, now is the perfect time to put some thought into what to do while you are there. There is no shortage of things you can do or see in Moscow or Saint Petersburg but if you find…
Popular Nutritious Russian Dishes and Food Items Posted by Jenya on Feb 18, 2014
If you haven’t spent a significant amount of time in Russia, it would be pretty hard for you to give an accurate account of what Russian cuisine is like. Russian cuisine (русская кухня) is a massive aggregate of traditional Russian dishes (русские блюда), Russian adaptations of dishes that came from neighboring cultures, and dishes…
What to Do on Christmas Eve Posted by yelena on Jan 6, 2012
‘Twas the night before Christmas… when the devil stole the moon, two drunken Cossacks lost their way in a snowstorm, a village blacksmith spoke with a Russian tsarina and a young peasant girl got her wish. Since this is the night before Christmas in Russia (remember, Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on January 7) as…