Tag Archives: writing
Tricky Russian Typography – Part I Posted by Maria on Sep 21, 2016

We have talked about keyboarding in Russian and some peculiarities of Russian punctuation on this blog. Let us expand on these subjects with an overview of characters that may not be easy to enter on a keyboard. Generally speaking, until very recently Russian literacy dwelled primarily in the handwritten domain. That is, of course, books…
Ten Must-Know Introductory Phrases in Russian — Part II Posted by Maria on May 9, 2016

We are continuing from last week’s post about introductory phrases in Russian. These phrases help you bring ideas together in your writing and speaking. Make sure you read the first part for the first five phrases. 6. Кро́ме того́ Кроме того introduces additional information, akin to “besides.” Эта маши́на сли́шком дорога́я. Кроме того́, нам не́где ее…
Writing a Formal Letter in Russian Posted by Maria on Jul 13, 2015
Perhaps some of our readers are learning Russian for more than personal enrichment. Some may want to study, work, or do business in Russia. If that’s the case, you need more that a few conversational phrases, and being familiar with and being able to write a business letter (делово́е письмо́) may come in handy…